What Is Cloud Optimization?

What Is Cloud Optimization?

Cloud optimization, a central part of CloudOps, involves selecting the right computing resources and assigning them to each application or workload. This process helps achieve efficiency by continuously balancing workload performance, cost, and security needs in real-time to find the optimal infrastructure configuration.

All applications and workloads have unique infrastructure requirements that change over time. Traditionally, organizations achieve baseline performance by applying domain knowledge when they select resources for each workload. However, machine learning can supplement manually matching workloads to cloud resources, making cloud resource utilization simpler and more efficient.
Applications that benefit from continuous, dynamic optimization have optimal cloud provisioning, run more efficiently, are easier to manage, and require less infrastructure to support in the cloud and on-premises. Cloud optimization also helps achieve the best ROI, because it uses application metrics to drive resource usage, avoiding the overprovisioning that often happens with manual infrastructure management.